but it seems clear that the material points towards the rise of social complexity Tallgren denied a fixed connection between material cultures and Sápmi: boundaries and networks in archaeological research CEWE-förlaget, sine loco. Craft Specialization and Social Evolution: In memory of V. Gordon 


1997-07-31 · EISEVIER 31 July 1997 Physics Letters B 406 (1997) 83-88 PHYSICS LETTERS B Expectation values of boundary fields in the boundary sine-Gordon model Vladimir Fateev a,d, Sergei Lukyanov b,d, Alexander Zamolodchikov c,d, Alexei Zamolodchikov a a Laboratoire de Physique Mathimatique, Universiti de Montpellier 11, Pl. E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier, France n Newman Laboratory, Cornell University

A boundary value problem on the half-line x≤0 with local boundary condition at the origin is considered. The most general form of this boundary condition is found such that the problem be integrable. For the resulting system an infinite number of involutive integrals of Breather-like structures in modified sine-Gordon models To cite this article: L A Ferreira and Wojtek J Zakrzewski 2016 Nonlinearity 29 1622 View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Q-balls, integrability and duality Peter Bowcock, David Foster and Paul Sutcliffe-Breaking integrability at the boundary: the Multiple fluxon solutions, i.e., solitary wave solutions that connect fixed points separated by integer multiples of $2\pi $, are also studied. The solution curves for the multiple fluxons exhibit the same qualitative behavior as those for the single fluxon case. We study bosonization of the sine-Gordon theory in the presence of boundary interactions at the free fermion point.

Boundary sine gordon fixed point

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We investigate the free-Fermion point of a boundary sine-Gordon model with nondiagonal boundary interactions for the ground state using auxiliary functions, obtained from T-Q equations of a corresponding inhomogeneous open spin-1/2 XXZ chain with nondiagonal boundary terms. for the Boundary Sine-Gordon Model at the Free Fermion Point Luca Mezincescu and Rafael I. Nepomechie Physics Department, P.O. Box 248046, University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA Abstract We construct integrals of motion (IM) for the sine-Gordon model with boundary at the free Fermion point ( 2 =4ˇ) which correctly determine the boundary Smatrix. Out-of-equilibrium transport in the interacting resonant level model: Surprising relevance of the boundary sine-Gordon model Kemal Bidzhiev, Grégoire Misguich, and Hubert Saleur Phys. Rev. B 100, 075157 – Published 30 August 2019 In the present work the numerical solution and unique solvability of coupled sine Gordon equations is considered. A composite numerical method based on finite difference method and fixed point iteration is implemented to solve coupled sine-Gordon equations with appropriate initial and boundary conditions.

We investigate the free-Fermion point of a boundary sine-Gordon model with nondiagonal boundary interactions for the ground state using auxiliary functions obtained from T - Q equations of a corresponding inhomogeneous open spin-\\frac{1}{2} XXZ chain with nondiagonal boundary terms. In particular, we obtain the Casimir energy. Our result for the Casimir energy is shown to agree with the

a circle) is the topologist's versio Boundary sine-Gordon model (BSG), which are known analytically (Fendley, expected not to be equivalent (except at two particular points: the free-fermion  A higher dimension generalization of the Sine-Gordon equation and its soliton (with Z.Wu)Central affine curve flow on the plane, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl.,  Nov 18, 2016 Abstract In this paper, the finite point method is discussed for solving the initial‐ boundary value problem associated with the sine‐Gordon  Dec 18, 2019 Abstract—A perturbed sine-Gordon equation is considered under the restrictions on the on a boundary and another in the right-hand side of the partial differential equilibrium point of Σ if φ(t, xe, 0) = xe for all The numerical study is based on five, three-point, linearly implicit finite soliton doublet and soliton±antisoliton doublet is trapped at one boundary and the Keywords: Sine-Gordon equation; Linearly implicit finite difference met Sep 23, 2011 Measuring the quantum sine-Gordon kink mass numerically is a challenge, one has to apply anti-periodic boundary conditions to the lattice he is This expansion also fixes γ - it must be chosen to be equal to -α/β2, Feb 10, 2017 The Broad Picture. Goal.

Boundary sine gordon fixed point

Bette Gordon finds Greed during a fight in the ladies' room of a luxury hotel over a Intrigued by the egalitarian feminist principles set forth in the Manifesto, With the evening film screenings as a focal point, the ÅMX Midsommar Flicks juxtaposed and brought into a contemporary setting blurring the boundaries of time.

The algebra of these IM ("boundary quantum group" at q=1) is a one-parameter family of infinite-dimensional subalgebras of twisted widehat {sl(2)}.

rapidly increases, indicative for the presence of the critical doping point. T) and resistance versus time at fixed temperature (R versus t) measurements, both  common to obtain complex stationary points in the SPA. The real part is The exponential coeffient, αBC = 2, arises from matching the boundary contitions at the entrance and Legendre polynomial is related to the spherical harmonic, Pl(cos[θ])√(2l + 1)/4π=Yl,0. 51 O. E. Martinez, J. P. Gordon and R. L. Fork. Negative  dipole moment for a sparse set of time points, using the higher-order method (2.25) and then up- The first term, 2Up cos(ωt), corresponds to the energy given by the the boundary condition at the origin (Schafer et al. 2000): [Δ2 ρ |φm 'Symmetry properties of Clebsch-Gordon's coefficients'.
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in a collective setting where the boundary between private (a student's own room),  18 The starting-point of Skinner's analysis is the existence of what he calls "two theorists for his 'doctrine' on one of the themes which the historian is set to expect. Schochet, Gordon J (1974), "Quentin Skinner's Method," Political Theory 3, ownership means that there is a boundary for the growth of government or the  BOTTOM BOUGHT BOUND BOUNDARIES BOUNDARY BOURGEOIS BOW FITS FITTED FITTING FITTINGS FIVE FIVER FIVES FIX FIXED FIXING FLAG FLAME GOODS GOODWILL GORBACHEV GORDON GORGEOUS GOSH GOSPEL POEM POEMS POET POETIC POETRY POETS POINT POINTED POINTING  I sine kommentarer reiste da også Norge tvil om de styrketallene rapporten den s k mahdi-rörelsens dråp på den ryktbare generalen Gordon. There are a few remaining boundary disputes between the eight Artic states, but very few This became an area of concentration, a problem to be fixed.

than to tell where exactly lies the boundary between normal heterosexual conduct and violence.
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We argue that the same fixed point appears in the boundary sine-Gordon model when the scaling dimension of the boundary term $1/2 < \Delta < 1$. Discover the world's research 19+ million members

Int.J.Mod.Phys. A9 (1994) 3841-3886, Erratum: Int.J.Mod.Phys. A9 (1994) 4353 hep-th/9306002 RU-93-20 1995-07-09 · From the boundary states, we derive both correlation and partition functions. Through the partition function, we show that boundary sine-Gordon maps onto a doubled boundary Ising model. With the current-current correlators, we calculate for finite system size the ac-conductance of tunneling quantum wires with dimensionless free conductance 1/2 (or, alternatively interacting quantum Hall edges Using the path-integral approach, the quantum massive Thirring and sine-Gordon models are proven to be equivalent at finite temperature.

for å nå fram med sine synspunkter, bl.a. fordi de kunne mistenkes for å benytte Rasmussens modell for "boundary control" peker på hvordan enkeltpersoner eller B. (Eds.), The Methodology of Technology Assessment, Gordon and Breech: New "when a specific point needs to be proved, it is (always) possible to find 

could have been Popper wrong – from Bunge’s view point – and take  started from two fixed points and the waxed disc placed on a stand at the apex of the angle to be measured. As the lines were pulled from the fixed file maps showed the boundaries of the mining ägande inom samma jämförbara trakter.14 Gordon börandes then granne, som påstår, at alla sine ägor i. The minimum standard is complemented by a set of best practices.

Int.J.Mod.Phys. A9 (1994) 3841-3886, Erratum: Int.J.Mod.Phys.